Info :12-character ISIN code for the class of share to which the FPP refers
Legal name of the fund or sub-fund, including class (eg. ABC European Smaller Companies Fund "A" Shares) as per the Prospectus (max 350 characters).
Legal name of the umbrella vehicle, if one exists, as per the Prospectus. If not applicable: "N/A".
Date (in YYYY/MM/DD format) on which this version of the FPP was issued by the Fund Management Company.
Countries (including the home domicile, if necessary) for which local variations to the core data (eg. local Fund Order Desk details, dealing cut-off times etc.) are provided in the various annexes. Note that there will be more than one annex for a country where there are multiple Fund Order Desks. Indicates the relevant ISO 2-character country codes in alphabetical order, separated by spaces: eg. DE FR IT. List all countries that appear in line 79 in the Annexes. If there are no Annexes: "N/A".
Countries, including the home domicile, where the fund has been formally registered for distribution with the appropriate regulator. Indicates the relevant ISO 2-character country codes in alphabetical order, separated by spaces: eg. DE FR IT.
Indicates the frequency with which the assets of the relevant fund are normally valued for reference or dealing purposes. The valid frequency codes are those provided by EFAMA FPP standard.
Details regarding the dealing frequency: eg. Tuesday (for weekly dealing); last business day or 15th or 3rd Thursday (for monthly dealing); 15th of January, April, July, October (for quarterly dealing) etc. If 42 above is daily, indicates "DAIL" (the code for daily).
Indicates the relevant contact details for the entity that has overall responsibility for the management of the fund. For self-managed funds, this will often be a separate promoter or sponsor of the fund. Components of the address (street, city etc.) should be separated by commas.
Indicates the relevant contact details for the entity that has overall responsibility for the management of the fund. For self-managed funds, this will often be a separate promoter or sponsor of the fund. Components of the address (street, city etc.) should be separated by commas.
The telephone/fax numbers should include relevant international dialling code. These should start with a "+", but do not include other spaces, signs or punctuation.
Provided for information purposes. "N/A" if they are not provided
Provided for information purposes. "N/A" if they are not provided
Provided for information purposes. "N/A" if they are not provided
Indicates the BIC11 (including XXX if there is no branch code), or "N/A" if there is no BIC.
Name of the principal entity appointed by the fund, to whom orders should be submitted. They will usually be located in the country of domicile (max 350 characters).
Postal address of the principal entity appointed by the fund, to which orders should be submitted. They will usually be located in the country of domiciliation. Components of the address (street, city etc) should be separated by commas.
The telephone/fax numbers should include relevant international dialling code. These should start with a "+", but do not include other spaces, signs or punctuation.
Provided only if they may be used for the purposes of placing fund orders. "N/A" if they are not provided.
Provided only if they may be used for the purposes of placing fund orders. "N/A" if they are not provided.
Indicates the BIC11 (including XXX if there is no branch code), or "N/A" if there is no BIC.
Indicates whether or not it is possible to hold bearer units/shares in this class in certificated form.
Indicates whether or not it is possible to hold bearer units/shares in this class in paperless form.
Indicates whether or not it is possible to hold registered units/shares in this class in certificated form.
Indicates whether or not it is possible to hold registered units/shares in this class in paperless form.
Indicates whether or not forms are required in respect of subsequent investments by the same investor.
Indicates the number of decimal places to which quantities of units/shares are rounded.
Indicates whether or not registered investors are able to transfer some or all of their holdings to third parties. If transfer is possible only in restricted circumstances, indicates: "Refer to Fund Order Desk".
Indicates whether or not forms are required in respect of account opening and/or initial subscription by the investor.
Indicates whether or not the initial investment requires an authorized signature, either an ink original or electronic. Select the relevant entry from the pull-down list.
Indicates whether or not subsequent investments require an authorized signature, either an ink original or electronic. Select the relevant entry from the pull-down list.
Indicates the frequency with which the Fund Order Desk(s) will be open to receive subscription orders. The valid frequency codes are provided in the pull-down list. Indicates "Closed" if the fund is not currently open to subscriptions.
Details regarding the dealing frequency: eg. Tuesday (for weekly dealing); last business day or 15th or 3rd Thursday (for monthly dealing); 15th of January, April, July, October (for quarterly dealing) etc. If 36 above is daily, indicates "DAIL" (the code for daily).
If the fund issues units/shares only during specific periods (eg. for some guaranteed funds), indicates an appropriate description of those periods. Otherwise: "N/A".
Indicates whether or not instruction/renunciation forms are required in respect of redemptions of units/shares by the investor.
Indicates whether or not the instruction/renunciation requires an authorized signature, either an ink original or electronic. Select the relevant entry from the pull-down list.
Indicates the frequency with which the Fund Order Desk(s) will be open to receive redemption orders. The valid frequency codes are provided in the pull-down list. Indicates "Closed" if the fund is not currently open to redemptions.
Details regarding the dealing frequency: eg. Tuesday (for weekly dealing); last business day or 15th or 3rd Thursday (for monthly dealing); 15th of January, April, July, October (for quarterly dealing) etc. If 39 above is daily, indicates "DAIL" (the code for daily).
If the fund redeems units/shares only during specific periods (eg. for some guaranteed funds), indicates an appropriate description of those periods. Otherwise: "N/A".
Indicates whether or not it is possible to hold units/shares for which the accrued income is not distributed and instead remains reflected within the unit/share price.
Indicates whether or not it is possible to hold units/shares for which the accrued income is distributed periodically to the investor.
Indicates whether or not it is possible to hold shares for which the accrued income is distributed, but then reinvested automatically in additional units/shares allocated to the investor. If this entry is "Yes", 25 above must also be "Yes".
Indicates the frequency with which income is allocated (or deemed to be allocated) to investors (eg. six-monthly, yearly, etc). The valid frequency codes are those provided by EFAMA FPP standard. If a roll-up fund has no deemed dividend payment, indicates "N/A". A frequency must be entered if 25 above is "Yes".
If 26 above is "Yes", indicates the frequency with which the reinvestment takes place (this will be the same or less frequently than the distribution frequency in 27 above), otherwise indicates "N/A". The valid frequency codes are those provided by EFAMA FPP standard.