Fund NameFPP1ISINCurrencyNAV2As of Date
Asia Opportunity Fund ZLU1378878604USD*57.4211-03-2025
Emerging Leaders Equity Fund ZLU0815264279USD*42.4411-03-2025
Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund ZLU0603408385USD*46.5711-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities Fund ZLU2607332140USD*13.8411-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities Fund Z (EUR)LU2781012666EUR*27.8711-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities Fund Z (GBP)LU2607332900GBP*30.2511-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities Fund ZH (CHF)LU2740301606CHF*28.3511-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities Fund ZH (EUR)LU2607332496EUR*12.5911-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities Fund ZH (GBP)LU2607332579GBP*13.3511-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities Fund ZH (NOK)LU2607332652NOK*11.7911-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities Fund ZHR (EUR)LU2607332736EUR*9.1411-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities Fund ZHR (GBP)LU2617254367GBP*11.0911-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities Fund ZRLU2607332819USD*9.3311-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities Fund ZR (GBP)LU2607333031GBP*26.8911-03-2025
Euro Corporate Bond Fund ZLU0360483100EUR*46.9511-03-2025
Euro Strategic Bond Fund ZLU0360476740EUR*42.9811-03-2025
Europe Opportunity Fund ZLU1387591727EUR*52.5711-03-2025
Global Asset Backed Securities Fund ZLU0858068314USD*39.4911-03-2025
Global Balanced Risk Control Fund of Funds ZLU0706093803EUR*47.5411-03-2025
Global Bond Fund ZLU0360476583USD*35.2911-03-2025
Global Bond Fund ZH (EUR)LU0360476666EUR*22.9111-03-2025
Global Bond Fund ZH1 (EUR)LU1618175894EUR*25.0111-03-2025
Global Bond Fund ZH2 (CHF)LU2804572050CHF*25.3411-03-2025
Global Bond Fund ZH2 (EUR)LU2804571912EUR*25.9911-03-2025
Global Bond Fund ZH2 (GBP)LU2804572134GBP*26.1811-03-2025
Global Bond Fund ZH2 (USD)LU2807457663USD*26.6611-03-2025
Global Brands Fund ZLU0360482987USD*116.3111-03-2025
Global Fixed Income Opportunities Fund ZLU0694239061USD*43.9611-03-2025
Global Fixed Income Opportunities Fund ZXLU0712123271USD*24.2511-03-2025
Global Insight Fund ZLU0868754200USD*78.8311-03-2025
Global Opportunity Fund ZLU0552385535USD*161.3711-03-2025
Global Sustain Fund ZLU1842711688USD*46.9311-03-2025
QuantActive Global Infrastructure Fund ZLU0384383872USD*85.4311-03-2025
US Advantage Fund ZLU0360484686USD*145.1211-03-2025
US Advantage Fund ZXLU0360613169USD*123.8311-03-2025
US Core Equity Fund ZLU1439782225USD*73.3111-03-2025
US Growth Fund ZLU0360477805USD*149.4611-03-2025

* Base currency

1 Fund Processing Passport - Operational Information

2 NAV is the Net Asset Value per share of the Fund (NAV), which represents the value of the assets of a fund less its liabilities

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