Fund NameFPP1KFS2ISINCurrencyNAV3As of Date
Past performance
Asia Opportunity Fund ALU1378878430USD*52.7111-03-2025
Asia Opportunity Fund A (EUR)LU2295319219EUR*17.5211-03-2025
Asia Opportunity Fund AH (EUR)LU1378879248EUR*42.6211-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Fund ALU0073230004USD*101.1411-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Fund A (EUR)LU2473714868EUR*29.5511-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Fund AH (EUR)LU0266119204EUR*61.0411-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Fund AHX (EUR)LU0691071764EUR*16.8211-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Fund ARMLU0749490537USD*15.7311-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Fund AXLU0239678807USD*44.0411-03-2025
Emerging Markets Debt Fund AX (EUR)LU2473714785EUR*26.0511-03-2025
Global Bond Fund ALU0073230426USD*41.2411-03-2025
Global Bond Fund AH (EUR)LU0552899485EUR*21.5811-03-2025
Global Bond Fund AH2 (CHF)LU2804570781CHF*25.2611-03-2025
Global Bond Fund AH2 (EUR)LU2804570609EUR*25.8911-03-2025
Global Bond Fund AH2 (GBP)LU2804570948GBP*26.1111-03-2025
Global Bond Fund AH2 (USD)LU2807457747USD*26.5411-03-2025
Global Bond Fund AH2X (EUR)LU2804571086EUR*25.3511-03-2025
Global Bond Fund AHX (EUR)LU0691071418EUR*16.2411-03-2025
Global Bond Fund AXLU0218435716USD*26.8311-03-2025
Global Brands Fund ALU0119620416USD*226.2211-03-2025
Global Brands Fund A (EUR)LU2295319300EUR*32.1911-03-2025
Global Brands Fund AH (CHF)LU0671505468CHF*63.1711-03-2025
Global Brands Fund AH (EUR)LU0335216932EUR*114.7311-03-2025
Global Brands Fund AHX (EUR)LU0552899998EUR*69.6411-03-2025
Global Brands Fund AXLU0239683559USD*87.4911-03-2025
Global Brands Fund AX (EUR)LU2337806777EUR*32.4911-03-2025
Global Convertible Bond Fund ALU0149084633USD*64.7411-03-2025
Global Convertible Bond Fund A (EUR)LU2473713548EUR*27.2811-03-2025
Global Convertible Bond Fund AH (CHF)LU0856053482CHF*34.8811-03-2025
Global Convertible Bond Fund AH (EUR)LU0410168768EUR*45.8111-03-2025
Global Opportunity Fund ALU0552385295USD*141.4511-03-2025
Global Opportunity Fund A (EUR)LU2308174304EUR*29.5511-03-2025
Global Opportunity Fund AH (EUR)LU0552385618EUR*110.9911-03-2025
NextGen Emerging Markets Fund ALU0118140002EUR*81.5811-03-2025
NextGen Emerging Markets Fund AXLU0218443736EUR*69.4611-03-2025
QuantActive Global Infrastructure Fund ALU0384381660USD*76.2511-03-2025
QuantActive Global Infrastructure Fund A (EUR)LU2337806694EUR*30.6811-03-2025
QuantActive Global Infrastructure Fund AH (EUR)LU0512092221EUR*60.0111-03-2025
Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund ALU0073229840USD*46.6411-03-2025
Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund A (EUR)LU2741780279EUR*27.9011-03-2025
US Advantage Fund ALU0225737302USD*131.5911-03-2025
US Advantage Fund A (EUR)LU2295319482EUR*19.9911-03-2025
US Advantage Fund AH (EUR)LU0266117927EUR*76.1011-03-2025
US Growth Fund ALU0073232471USD*188.6311-03-2025
US Growth Fund A (EUR)LU2295319565EUR*19.0311-03-2025
US Growth Fund AH (EUR)LU0266117414EUR*104.2511-03-2025
US Growth Fund AXLU0239688517USD*188.6311-03-2025
US Growth Fund AX (EUR)LU2473715162EUR*28.0411-03-2025

* Base currency

1 Fund Processing Passport - Operational Information

2 Key Facts Statements (KFS)

3 NAV is the Net Asset Value per share of the Fund (NAV), which represents the value of the assets of a fund less its liabilities

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If the management company of the relevant Fund decides to terminate its arrangement for marketing that Fund in any EEA country where it is registered for sale, it will do so in accordance with the relevant UCITS rules.
Returns may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations.
Important Risk Disclosures

Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance and the value of the investments referred to in this Website and any income from them may fall as well as rise. On redemption of an investment, an investor may receive back an amount less than the original amount of their investment.

The underlying assets of the investments may be in a variety of currencies and therefore movements in the value of currencies may also affect the value of an investor’s holdings. Furthermore, the value of any investments may be adversely affected by fluctuations in exchange rates between the investor’s reference currencies and the base currencies of the investment itself.

For investment funds that invest in emerging markets, volatility and the risk to your capital may be greater. Investment in high yield securities is speculative as it generally entails increased credit and market risks. There are special risk considerations associated with investing in investments linked to the real estate industry.

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